In this section record the presence or absence of alder trees (Alnus glutinosa). Record whether they are present or absent, and indicate whether they are healthy or affected by Phytophthora root disease. Information on Phytophthora is needed for a national assessment of the incidence of the disease.

One of the three boxes in both categories must by ticked. Record ‘none’ if no alders are present; ‘present’ if alders occur in <33% of bank-length (even if just one tree – hence the *asterisk reminder on the form); and ‘E’ if present along >33% of bank-length, irrespective of whether they are affected by the disease or not. If no trees are affected by Phytophthora, record ‘None’; ’Present’ if diseased alders occur in <33% of banklength; and ‘E’ if disease affects alders along >33% of bank-length.

Images of an Alder Tree with leaves and no leaves

A Diseased Alder

Observations of diseases affecting other trees (e.g. willows [Salix], ash) can be noted in Section P.