This section has a prompt check-list to capture important additional information. Circle relevant prompt words on the form and add others as appropriate.

Major impacts

Any major impacts on the site using the self-explanatory checklist on the form.

Evidence of recent management

A brief descriptive checklist for obvious and recent activities is listed. Briefly describe other activities as appropriate.

‘Recent’ management is defined by the presence of obvious signs e.g. machinery present, excavated bare earth, weed/brash cuttings and bank mowing, unvegetated dredge spoil on the bank etc.

Enhancement works: examples include meander or riffle reinstatement, channel narrowing, bank reprofiling, reed-planting and tree-planting. Most will be obvious only when recently undertaken.


Sightings of mammals, birds, insects and other taxa of interest. Use the checklist and add as appropriate. Indicate if the presence is indirectly inferred from footprints or faeces (e.g. otter spraints). Records of animals will not be systematic since they will depend greatly on the interests and expertise of individual surveyors.

Other significant observations

It is important to record your overview of the site to complement information recorded on the form and photographs. Use a separate sheet if necessary, and make sure it has the mid-site grid reference clearly marked on it and the sheet is attached to the form.