However experienced you are with filling in RHS forms, it is easy to make a mistake or send in an incomplete site record. To avoid this, you should check the form and tick the seven boxes as each one is checked in the field. This will save you having to rectify omissions later, and possibly save the need for a re-survey. The prompts ask the surveyor if they have:

  • Taken at least two photos that illustrate the general character of the site and additional photos of all weirs and any major/intermediate structures across the channel?
  • Completed all ten spot-checks and made entries in all boxes in E and F on page 2?
  • Completed column 11 of section G, and E if appropriate on page 2?
  • Recorded in section C the number of riffles, pools and point bars (even if 0) on page 1?
  • Given an accurate (alphanumeric) grid reference for spot-checks 1 and 6, and the end of the site (page 1)?
  • Stated whether spot-check 1 is at the upstream or downstream end of the site (top of page 2)?
  • Cross-checked spot-check and sweep-up responses with the channel modification indicators given on page 2 of the spot-check key?