Introduction and scope

The RHS was originally designed as part of R&D project in the 90s. The first stable form produced was in 1994. The form was changed in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 2003. As a result, fields, acronyms and underlying data may be different between survey years. This document summarises the change in format and includes the citizen RHS form produced in 2022.

RHS data formats

The main differences between formats are listed in the table below. The 1994 survey format is very different from subsequent one. The flow-types were different and land uses were not assessed at spot-check level. All this resulted in different calculations for the HQA scores and the derivation of an adjusted HQA score that allowed the comparisons between 1994 and subsequent formats.

For the 1994 survey format, only one entry for bank modification was allowed. It is important to note that, although multiple entries for modifications and features were allowed, until the development of a new database online, only 2 entries were allowed for multiple fields. This resulted in some modifications and features missing from the database. Unfortunately, all paper forms have been destroyed so it is not possible to complete the surveys that had multiple entries.

A variation on the 1997 form was also developed for canals and artificial water bodies. It was not included in the table.

Although cRHS does not record all features and sections, some of the data can be later extracted using videos taken by surveyors at spot-checks, photos and 360 walk-over photos.

The 1997 survey forms and manual were translated in French and German (on the RHS website)








Predominant channel form

Describes the level of modification of the channel in 6 category (semi-natural to culverted)

Not recorded

Not recorded

Valley form: terraces

Terraced valley form as a specific valley type

Terraces recorded separately

Terraces not recorded

Valley form: distinct flat valley bottom

Not recorded


Not recorded

Valley form


Not recorded

Count of riffles, pools, and point bars


Not recorded

Count of artificial features

Culvert, weirs, bridges and outfalls

Bridges are split into road and foot bridges. 

‘Other’ category added

Sluices, revetments and deflectors added.

Weirs, bridges, revetments and ‘others’ are split into Major/Intermediate/Minor categories. 

Sluices, culverts , outfalls and fords are all major.

Deflectors are minor

Weirs and sluices are combined.

Revetments are removed.

Fords, outfalls and deflectors can be major/intermediate/minor

Artificial features: is water impounded by dams?

Not recorded


Artificial features: is channel obviously realigned?

Not recorded


Artificial features: is channel obviously over-deepened?

Not recorded


Presence of functioning navigation

Recorded in the field

Recorded using maps in the office

Predominant flow type

Recorded as one of the spot-check flow-types

Not recorded

Predominant flow sequence 

Not recorded

Recorded in section K (channel features)

Not recorded

Spot-checks: bank modifications

One entry only

Multiple entries allowed but a maximum of two entries were recorded on the database

Multiple entries recorded

Up to 4 entries recorded

Spot-checks: bank features

Multiple entries allowed but a maximum of two entries were recorded on the database

Multiple entries recorded

Up to 3 entries recorded on the RHS Toolbox

Spot-checks: bank features -Natural Berms

Not recorded


Not recorded

Spot-checks: bank features -vegetated bedrock and boulders

Not recorded


Spot-checks: channel substrate - Earth

Not recorded


Spot-checks: Flow-type

Torrential whitewater, step-pool cascade, riffle-pool, approximately laminar, static, impounded

Free-fall, chute, broken standing waves, unbroken standing waves, chaotic flow, rippled flow, smooth flow, no perceptible downstream flow, no flow (dry)

Not included

Spot-checks: channel modifications

Multiple entries allowed but a maximum of two entries were recorded on the database

Spot-checks: channel features

Multiple entries allowed but a maximum of two entries were recorded on the database

Multiple entries recorded

Up to 3 entries recorded on RHS Toolbox

Spot-checks: number of sub-channel

Not recorded


Not recorded

Spot-checks: banktop land use

Not recorded

Recorded 5m from banktop (first break in slope where development or agriculture is possible)

Spot-checks: banktop vegetation structure

Recorded within a surveyor define ‘riparian’ zone

Recorded within 1m of the banktop (first break in slope where development or agriculture is possible)

Spot-checks: channel vegetation types

Submerged vegetation combined

Submerged broad leaved

Submerged fine/linear leaved

Submerged broad leaved

Submerged fine

Submerged linear leaved

Land use categories - woodland

Broadleaf woodland

Coniferous plantation

Broadleaf woodland

Broadleaf plantation

Coniferous woodland

Coniferous plantation

Land use categories – open water

Not recorded

Open water

Natural open water

Artificial open water

Land use categories – scrub/rough pasture

scrub/rough pasture


Rough pasture

Land use categories – Orchard and Tall  herbs

Not recorded


Land use categories – Rock and scree

Not recorded


Land use categories –Irrigated land, Parkland and gardens and ‘Not visible’

Not recorded


Bank profiles: embankments 

Recorded as % length in a separate section

Recorded in bank profiles

Bank profiles: set-back embankments

Not recorded


Sweep up channel flow features 

Waterfall/cascade, torrential flow, laminar flow, static flow

Waterfalls, cascades, step/pool sequence, rapids,riffle-pool sequence, runs, boils glides, marginal deadwater

Same + ponded reach

Free-fall, chute, broken standing waves, unbroken standing waves, chaotic flow, rippled flow, smooth flow, no perceptible downstream flow, no flow (dry)

Ponded reach removed

Not recorded

Sweep up channel features - artificial


Not recorded

Sweep up channel features – Discrete sand and silt deposits

Not recorded


Sweep up channel features – Discrete gravel deposits

Not recorded


Sweep up channel features – additional features

Eroding cliffs

Stable cliffs

Vegetated bedrock/boulders

Unvegetated point bar

Vegetated point bar

Eroding cliffs

Stable cliffs

Vegetated  bedrock/boulders


Bankfull height

Bank height if different

Bankfull width

Banktop height

Trashline height

Banktop width

Banktop height

Is banktop also bankfull?

Trashline height

Bankfull width

Special features

None listed

Fringing reed bank

Floating mat

Fringing reed bank

Floating mat/Quaking bank

Waterfall < 5m

Natural cascade

Very large boulders

Sink holes


Flooplain boulder deposits

Invasive species

Giant Hogweed

Himalayan balsam

Japanase knotweed

Tick box only

Giant Hogweed

Himalayan balsam

Japanase knotweed


Present or extensive

Giant Hogweed

Himalayan balsam

Japanase knotweed


Present or extensive on bankface and banktop

Giant Hogweed

Himalayan balsam

Japanase knotweed


P or E on bankface and banktop

Other and Pennywort P or E in channel


Not recorded

Diseased alders

Alders and diseased alders

Not recorded

River typing


Not recorded

Overall characteristics

Descriptive sentence

Descriptive sentence, Plants, Major conservation features, Major impacts, 


Descriptive sentence, Major impacts, Land management, 


Descriptive sentence


Recorded for the mid-point with a 100m accuracy (6 figure grid reference in the UK)

1m accurate (10 figure grid reference in the UK) coordinates recorded at the beginning (spot-check 1), middle (spot-check 6) and end of site.