Appendix 1.1 – Citizen River Habitat Survey version 1: risk assessment

Site Number/Reference:        Date:

Task Element


Risk Level

Low, Moderate, High

Potential Risk Control Measures

Proceed With Survey 

(Yes or No)

Arriving at site and the duration of survey

Aggressive animals/ people, hostile situation.

Cautionary approach, avoid animals where possible, conflict resolution/breakaway training, double-man or lone worker system, mobile phone, personal alarm, whistle

Bank stability, high/steep banks.

Cautionary approach, test with ranging pole/wading stick, double-man, wear a lifejacket.

Falling in, swept-off feet, losing footing.

Cautionary approach, double-man, wear a lifejacket, walk in upstream direction.


(barbed wire, electric).

Try to find a safe crossing point. Do not climb over, or crawl under, unless assessed to be safe to do so. If not safe to cross and no alternative crossing points, abandon the survey.


Cautionary approach, avoid animals where possible, walk around the edges of fields.

Lone or remote working, lack of visibility, lack of local knowledge, vulnerable position.

Double-man or lone worker system, estimated finish time known to others, assess communications before starting survey, mobile phone, personal alarm, whistle.

No communication (out of mobile range/no telephone).

Double-man or lone worker system, estimated finish time known to others, assess communications before starting survey, personal alarm, whistle.

Railway, road.

Find a safe crossing point.

Rough terrain, marsh/bogs.

Appropriate footwear and clothing, watch footing, walk around outer edges of bogs etc.

Ticks (Lyme disease).

Wear long sleeves & trousers, regularly check for ticks, inspect body at end of survey.

Valuable equipment, high crime rate location.

Double-man in such locations, estimated finish time known to others, assess communications before starting survey, mobile phone, personal alarm, whistle. If confronted for equipment, always give it over.

Weather: dehydration, heatstroke, hypothermia or unpredictable.

Heat: wear suncream, sunglasses, keep head and back of neck covered, have bottled water, go into shade regularly. Cold: have insulating layers, wear hat/hood and gloves. Wet: do not survey in heavy rain, be extra vigilant to conditions underfoot. Be prepared for all likely conditions.

When surveying from channel

Swept-off feet, losing footing.

Double-man, use ranging pole to test depth and ground before entering channel, wear lifejacket, If water above knee-

height or you do not feel comfortable, do not survey from channel.

Entry & exit points.

Check bank stability with ranging pole, wear lifejacket, double-man.

Hidden hazards under the water.

Use ranging pole to check in the channel before entering, and whilst in, the channel. If hazards found, do not enter channel or make a safe exit from it.

Infection (in particular


Keep open skin covered, wear gloves, have hand wipes and first- aid kit, wash hands thoroughly, avoid touching face, carry Leptospirosis Card.


Use ranging pole to test depth and ground, move around outer edges, watch footing.

Poor visibility/water clarity.

Use ranging pole to check in channel, watch footing. If not comfortable do not survey from channel.

Poor water quality, pollution, sewage outfall/treatment works.

Wear gloves, keep open skin covered, have hand wipes and first-aid kit, wash hands thoroughly before eating/drinking.

Substrate soft or uneven.

Use ranging pole to test depth and conditions underfoot before entering the channel and whilst in it. If not comfortable, do not survey from channel.

Algae, thick weed growth, woody debris dams.

Use ranging pole to check in channel, watch footing. If not comfortable, do not survey from channel.

Citizen River Habitat Survey Manual 2021