Citizen RHS Mobile Android app
The RHS Mobile Android application can be downloaded from the cRHS website.
Installing the RHS Android app
To install the application on your mobile, you need to download the cRHS_Mobile.apk file and save it on a shared drive you can access with your Android tablet or smart phone.
Open your phone and select the cRHS_Mobile.apk file and open it. It will start the application installation process. It may come up with a series of warning messages depending on your phone security settings.
cRHS mobile app
With the cRHS Mobile Android app, you can input cRHS data in the field using your mobile phone or an Android tablet
With the cRHS Mobile app, you can input the coordinates from your GPS as well as take photos and videos that are properly referenced. The app is structured like the cRHS form and allows you to input data whilst taking photographs and GPS coordinates using your mobile phone camera and GPS. It also has a quality control procedure looking for missed or empty fields.
Once you have quality checked your data, you can export them to the RHS Toolbox along with the photographs and videos. The cRHS Mobile application will offer you the option to send your files by emails or save them to a folder such as Dropbox. To import the files, follow the instructions here: Importing data from the RHS Mobile application